Saturday, 30 November 2013

Our Interview With Steve Morley!

1. What is your greatest moment in your acting career?
Wining an award for being the first person to appear nude on Irish radio.

2. What is working with Peter Davison like?
I never worked with him - all my scenes in Earthshock were on
location, Peter was in the studio.

3. What film and comic conventions are you attending next?
None planned. I have only done a couple (recently) which I found great fun.

4. Who is the most famous person you have met?
It's an occupational hazard isn't it, so quite a few, especially when
I was invited to Hollywood. I was with Richard Dreyfuss just after he
won his Best Actor Oscar, and I used to be great friends with Carrie
Fisher (we were at Drama school together), but the most
famous...probably John Lennon.

5. What is your favourite convention to attend?
Only been to the two.

6. Who is your personal favourite Doctor (Who)?
I can actually remember the first episode being broadcast and then
repeated the following Saturday (the reason for this was only recently
explained to me) so William Hartnell made an impression, but my
favourite was Patrick Troughton who played him so quirky - what a
smashing actor!

Thanks Steve for your help with this!

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